Adding a Section to Your Collection - Squared Apps
Adding a Section to Your Collection - Squared Apps Adding a Section to Your Collection - Squared Apps

Adding a Section to Your Collection

Adding a Section to Your Collection #

Organize and categorize your favorite sections for easy access and future reference by adding them to your collections. Follow these simple steps to seamlessly add a section to your collection:

1. Navigate to the Sections Library Page
On the app’s Sections Library page, explore the available sections.

2. Mark a Section as a Favorite
Find the section you want to make a favorite and click on the favorite icon associated with that section.

A popup will appear with the following options:

  • Select the one option from the below:
    1. Existing Saved Collections:
      Choose an existing collection from the list to which you want to add the section.
    2. Create New Collection:
      Enter a collection name to create a new collection.

Click the “Save” button to add the section to your favorite collection.

Your selected section is now added to your collection for quick access.