Creating New Booking - Squared Apps
Creating New Booking - Squared Apps Creating New Booking - Squared Apps

Creating New Booking

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How to Create New Booking #

In our iBookly app, you can easily create new bookings to manage appointments, reservations, or any other time-based services. We support two types of bookings: single and multiple. This guide will walk you through the process of creating both types.

Step 1: From the app admin page, click Bookings > New Booking.

Here you can see 2 types of bookings. We will add more types of booking soon.

Type 1: Single Booking
Type 2: Multiple Booking
Type 3: Advance Booking

Step 2: Select the type of booking

You  will redirect to the appropriate page, and read this guide to create singlebookingsmultiplebookings and advancebookings.