Reschedule & Cancel Bookings - Squared Apps
Reschedule & Cancel Bookings - Squared Apps Reschedule & Cancel Bookings - Squared Apps

Reschedule & Cancel Bookings

Reschedule Booking #

With iBookly, rescheduling a booking is a breeze. If you or your customer needs to make a change to the date or time of an appointment, follow these simple steps:

Step 1: From the app admin page, click Dashboard.

Step 2: Click the View button you want to show booking details.

Step 3: Show Booking > Find Booking History and Click Update Date Button.

Choose the new Date and Time

Click the Update Button.


Show Booking date Update History

Cancel Booking #

In some cases, you may need to delete a booking from your iBookly system. Follow these steps to delete a booking:

Step 1: From the app admin page, click Dashboard.

Step 2: Click the Cancel button you want to cancel or delete.

Step 3: Click the Delete Button.