Plans - Squared Apps
Plans - Squared Apps Plans - Squared Apps

Plans #

The Plans Page in the app allows you to select and manage different subscription plans for your booking system. Each plan offers varying limits on the number of monthly bookings. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to utilize the Plans Page:

Types of Plans: #

The app offers four types of plans that cater to different levels of booking requirements:

1. iBookly Small:

This plan is suitable for businesses with a lower volume of bookings. It provides a monthly booking limit of 100.

2. iBookly Medium:

The iBookly Medium plan is designed for businesses with moderate booking needs. It offers a monthly booking limit of 500.

3. iBookly Pro:

The iBookly Pro plan is suitable for businesses with higher booking volumes. It provides a monthly booking limit of 1000.

4. iBookly Premium:

The iBookly Premium plan is tailored for businesses that handle a substantial number of monthly bookings, exceeding 1000. This plan offers the flexibility to accommodate larger booking volumes.

To choose a plan that best suits your business needs: #

Step 1: From the app admin page > click Plans.

Step 2: In Plans>Review the details and limitations of each plan, including the monthly booking limits.

Step 3: Save the changes to apply to the selected plan.