Edit Booking - Squared Apps
Edit Booking - Squared Apps Edit Booking - Squared Apps

How to Edit a Booking #

Our Shopify app allows you to easily edit existing bookings to accommodate changes or updates. Follow the steps below to modify a booking:

Step 1: From the app admin page, click Bookings.

Step 2: Click the Edit button that you want to edit booking details.

Step 3: Update the desired information based on your requirements.

Step 4: Review the changes you have made to ensure accuracy.

Step 5: Save the updated booking information.

Delete Booking #

In our Shopify app, we understand that there may be occasions when a booking needs to be canceled or removed. We provide a simple process to delete bookings as needed. Follow these steps to delete a booking:

Step 1: From the app admin page, click Bookings.

Step 2: Click the Delete button that you want to delete booking.

Step 3: It will open popup, then you need to click the Delete button to delete booking service.